i'm chel (they/them), i write poetry, and i'm starting a calligraphy practice!
i started writing poems in middle school when i first started grappling with my identity and, through high school and early university, it continued to be a release and a way to understand my emotions and experience as a human being. i returned to writing because art and creation are central to my identity. as a non-binary, queer person who grew up with mixed heritage, i'm trying to overtly incorporate that perspective into my works as much as i can. this whole thing is a journey and i'm still finding my voice, so thank you in advance for riding the roller coaster of experimentation and discovery with me ☺️ some of the works might be topical, some of the works might be very indulgent, but, hey, art is human expression, right?
the calligraphy practice is something that's relatively new to me (at the time of writing this), but it's an art form that i've always been interested in since i was a kid. my mom once bought felt-tip calligraphy markers that we used to mess around with, my grandmother got me a calligraphy book as well, but, as most things go, i was too young to appreciate the art form and the patience it requires. now, as a walking ball of anxious electricity, calligraphy is a very mindful practice that's grounding and calming.
a couple more things about me - i'm married, i love to bake, and tea runs through my veins. i'll share more about myself through my poems and on instagram so follow along!
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